History Can Be Found

if you know where to look

Who we are

Dive into the Depths of History with Adam Means and John Sheil

Are you captivated by the enigmas of the past, the whisper of legends lost to time, and the thrilling possibility of discovering hidden treasures? Welcome to Lost Treasures, where each episode is a gateway into the extraordinary tales of historical artifacts and mysteries waiting just beneath the surface of our known world.

Hosted by the dynamic duo, Adam Means and John Sheil, Lost Treasures invites you on an enthralling voyage through time. With a blend of fascinating storytelling, expert interviews, and a touch of humor, Adam and John uncover the stories of astonishing finds, explore the history behind them, and reveal the secrets that have been buried with time.


Listen to the podcast

In this riveting episode of “Lost Treasures,” join Adam Means and John Scheel as they delve into the profound impact of recent legislative changes on the preservation and repatriation of Native American artifacts. As museums grapple with new regulations, Adam and John explore the ethical and cultural significance of returning these items to their rightful...
In the 9th episode of the Lost Treasures podcast, hosts John and Adam take listeners on an exciting journey through recent discoveries and updates in the world of treasure hunting. They highlight the remarkable find by Julien Navis, a tourist from France who uncovered a 7.46-carat brown diamond at Crater of Diamonds State Park in...
In Episode 8 of “Lost Treasures,” hosts John Sheil and Adam Means dive into a treasure trove of captivating stories and astonishing discoveries: Revolutionary War Findings: The episode features a fascinating discussion about the recent discovery at the Camden Battlefield, where Revolutionary War soldiers were found, identified by their U.S.A. emblazoned buttons. Ancient Human Settlements:...
Dive into a world of historical intrigue and mysterious finds in Episode 7 of the “Lost Treasures” podcast! Join hosts John Scheel and Adam Means as they embark on an exciting journey through time and treasure. In this episode: Adam’s Eden Park Expedition: Follow Adam’s gripping tale as he navigates city bureaucracy in his quest...
Welcome back to the Lost Treasures podcast! In this thrilling episode, John Sheil and Adam Means embark on a journey filled with excitement and intrigue that’s sure to captivate your adventurous spirit. But the real treasure is in the details of Adam’s ongoing quest in Cincinnati’s Eden Park. After years of tireless research, legal battles,...
In the fifth episode of the Lost Treasures podcast, join hosts John Scheil and Adam Means as they provide updates on their ongoing treasure-hunting adventures. Adam discusses the challenges he has faced in obtaining the necessary permits for the Eden Park treasure hunt in Cincinnati. They explore the history of Eden Park and its connections...
Welcome to the fourth episode of “Lost Treasures,” the podcast. Join John Sheil and Adam Means as they delve into the fascinating world of lost treasure hunting. In this episode, they discuss a range of incredible discoveries, from a Norwegian man’s remarkable find with a metal detector to a young girl uncovering a rare diamond...
Join us in this exciting episode of “Lost Treasures” as we catch up with your intrepid hosts, Adam and John. They’re back with updates on Adam’s ongoing quest for hidden treasures in all their forms, including the mysterious Eden Park Project in Cincinnati and touching on fascinating tales from the heartland in Iowa. In this...
In this thrilling episode of “Lost Treasures,” our hosts Adam Means and John Sheil take you on a riveting journey to the heart of Cincinnati, where they explore the hidden gems of the city with none other than Greg Hand, author of the captivating book, “Cincinnati Curiosities.” Join us as we peel back the layers...
Welcome to the inaugural episode of “Lost Treasures”! Join us as we embark on a thrilling journey with our intrepid explorer, Adam Means. When the COVID-19 pandemic destroyed the personal training career he’d built, his passion for unearthing historical treasures ignited. Now Adam, with co-host John Sheil, recounts the events that set this amazing journey...